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Renewal of the corporate image



Maria Herguedas



Services Provided

Maria Herguedas is a lawyer linked to the world of law since 2014. Since she started her career in law, it was clear that her forte was helping others and trying to SOLVE PROBLEMS, and she understands that every day is a challenge and that in this world there is no need to stop learning for a single day, as each case must be treated as unique.

Services Provided

Our Strategy

Maria Herguedas


The new product

Lawyer Maria Herguedas contacted us to design the new website to represent the services they offer and reach a wider audience.

We worked closely with Maria Herguedas and, based on her essence, we designed a website with a remarkable visual appearance, aiming to stand out from the competition.

Renewal of the corporate image

Maria Herguedas Advocada

The team



creative director

Joan Cama

UI/UX Director

Team InterHuge

Do you have a project in mind? Let's talk!

Do you have a project in mind? Let's talk!

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We pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive and comprehensive approach to all the digital services your business may need. Unlike other agencies, we have a team of experts in each specialty to offer high-level solutions in all aspects of your digital strategy.

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